Hi to you all, the new normal not an expression I like but unfortunately we are all living in this new situation. Many people are finding it difficult to know what we should or shouldn’t be doing in these new times with the government changing them to adapt to the changing situation.

I would like to assure you we are still making every effort to keep you and ourselves safe. We are open for normal business by appointment only. We will take your temperature and ask you questions before allowing you to enter the clinic. Everyone is required to wear a mask if you are unable to wear a mask a visor will be required instead. Your hands will be sanitised and then you will be shown directly to the clinic room. Your practitioner will be wearing PPE as required by their governing body.

Your feet are important to keeping you out exercising and for your general comfort. Please keep your routine appointments and if you are experiencing any problems related to your feet or lower limb come for advise. Podiatrists are trained to give advise or referral for condition’s you may have.

Keep safe everyone. We are here for you.